Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Getting into Photography

Ok so here is my second blog post under my Photography Business - a few days ago, I met with Vince a good friend, more like a brother to me, he had Zoey and Rocky with him, and I decided to photograph both Zoey and Rocky and post them as my Pet Models in Las Vegas, since I just recently moved here and I haven't developed my list of clients just yet... So are a few shots of Zoey first, then Rocky, Mind you Rocky is a Hefty Heavy dog lol but I love him so much...

So the two images you see above are pretty much a typical last minute shoot that I decided to do on a nice sunny and cool day - beautiful isn't!  Well I then had this one gentleman come up and asked if he could do the same thing, and of course I encouraged him to do it, get out there, and play with your passion if Photography is your passion. Then he asked if I would teach him.  I'm not selfish, or greedy, the honest truth is, I don't have the drive I did back in the day - I have injured my back and it is causing me lots of discomfort - But if you! just like the young man who approached me is interested in learning, I recommend you sign up for this awesome program CLICK HERE I believe it will be your best investment ever, regarding to your Photography Skills and starting your very own Photography Studio Business.  I highly recommend any and all Photographers to look into it - It'll save you thousands of dollars from college tuition, it'll save you thousands on Books and Worksheets - Take it from me, I have trained hundreds of Photographers, some may of photographed you in your younger years.  But from one Pro Photographer to another, I recommend you get this and learn - On my next blog I will introduce you to the REFERRAL Business for Photographers

Have an awesome day everyone and thank you for reading my blog...

Photographically yours,

Gus Jasangas

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