Sunday, May 5, 2013

Professional Photographers Referral Service

So you started your Photography Business in your City or State, and now its time to go out there and promote your business to the community. That is awesome! when I first started my business back home, I started shooting whatever it is I could shoot, and of course I was doing this to get my images into the Daily Papers, and it worked.  I got my image on the Front Cover of our Local Daily Newspaper, my Image was in vibrant colors and my name was tagged right below the image, I did this a few more times for about 3 months.  I then got into Facebook, and started posting my specials, looking for people who needed portfolios done and so on.  I then started booking a wedding every other month or so, but I found the traffic I was getting wasn't enough to make ends meet, and I loved what I was doing.  And it didn't help when couples would ask me to photograph their wedding for $200, I mean come on Guys, we got into the profession to make money not become Starving artists (Photographers) in this case, and I'm use to the $1500 to $5000 Brides. Well I looked for a few other venues to generate income - I started doing Outreach, calling on friends and business associates letting them know I can help them out with fundraising, anything to generate income, and that was the sole purpose of my venture into Starting my own Photography Business.

Finally! - I found a site that allowed me to sign up, register my business, upload images of my past work, and they got me clients, I started seeing more requests for Wedding Photography, Family Portraits and so on, and I was starting to see a traffic flow CLICK HERE if you want to see what I'm talking about.
I have been a member for the past few months and so far I'm pleased with the results, and as professional photographer, I'd like to share this link with you REFERRAL is what I call it.  So far its been the best thing I ever joined and I highly recommend this to any photographer.

Live on, and don't undercut your self or your services,

Photographically yours,

Gus Jasangas